FACS Freeze-Frame: Pandemic Mayhem

Hi Folks,

As we all continue to find our way in this highly unpredictable world, I just want to share with you an image of how I have been feeling lately:

This is a frame grabbed from a video of me recreating the crazed state brought on by the last couple of weeks: with the raging pandemic, fire threats in my state of CA and a brief evacuation, ongoing challenges with my elderly mother, capped off by the extended agony of awaiting the results of the presidential election in the USA.

This is a very complicated expression.
Here are my FACS codes of it, for those of you who speak FACS:


The “A” prefix for the 1 + 2 indicates asymmetry (it is stronger on the left, and the C intensity reflects the strongest side). 1+2 are present on both sides, though they have begun to offset on my right side, and the 4 and 9 are pulling it down. Also, the strong 6 may explain the signs of 11, but I think I can go ahead and include 11 here given the strength of the oblique upper lip pulling and the shape of my nasolabial furrow.

Based on what I was feeling at the time (as well as the signs of multiple emotions in this configuration) I will call this expression, “AAAACCCCKK!!!” I was overwhelmed.

Things are normalizing now. I am grateful to have work to focus my mind.


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