Empowering deeper connection through the science of facial expression, emotion, and compassion.

Hi, I’m Erika.

Through all my work I am facilitating genuine emotional impact; improving connection and community. I help people cut through the noise and truly touch others on a core level.

  • Improve your understanding of nonverbal behavior

  • Grow your emotional intelligence

  • Cultivate connection and self-knowledge

Let’s work together.


Learn the Facial Action Coding System (FACS)

Achieve more in your research or products by implementing cutting edge facial science.


Compassion Training, Meditation & Integration

Embrace more peace and balance amidst the challenges of everyday life and work.


Scientific Consultation & Advising

I help you get the science accurate so that your projects are more powerful.


“Erika is a master teacher. I’ve been full-time faculty at law schools for twenty five years and have degrees from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford. I don’t know anyone who makes any subject come alive as well as Erika does with teaching facial recognition as well as meditation. She’s brilliant, well-read, emotionally attuned, and flawlessly organized.”

— Clark Freshman, Professor of Law, University of California, Hastings College of Law.

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